With a certain individual visiting for the weekend, a hasty game of Battlegroup was arranged.
Mid 1941, the Western Desert: a DAK Battlegroup has forced a crossing over a Wadi and prepares to expand their bridgehead.
500 Pts from Battlegroup Tobruk. Bridgehead Breakout Mission from the rule book.
The table: The DAK force, having found a crossing point over a Wadi, has established a bridgehead and is racing reinforcements to secure it. The British naturally have other ideas... |
German sMG34 and PaK38 cover the advance of some Motorcycle infantry. |
Moving rapidly forward they put fire onto an infantry section and 25-pounder, pinning the former. |
A pair of Crusaders arrive to lend support but fail to do much, the 25-pounder is soon eliminated. |
Meanwhile, DAK reserves arrive in mass, though they struggle for orders. A shoot by the second 25-pounder KO's the Sd Kfz 222. |
More Crusaders arrive and they, along with the infantry, gun-down the isolated German Motorcycle troops before the Panzers can reach them. |
Panzers working the flank... |
...and Crusaders burn. |
More German tanks arrive and the fight heats up considerably.The German right progresses well before being disrupted by artillery strikes which KO a Panzer III. On the German left things do not go so well, but the Bitish cannot advance against the Pakfront. |
Both sides are close to breaking: a draw of 3 will see either force retire. Meanwhile, a Boys AT Rifle team sneak p into some rocks... |
...and knocks-out a Panzer III with a lucky shot. |
The Boys kill is enough to break German Force Morale: a British Victory! |
Another excellent game of Battlegroup; very close as they so often are and thoroughly enjoyable. Good practice for the coming Battleaxe campaign.