Sunday 16 August 2009

Could it be?

A new post?

A couple of pics of figs painted yesterday...the new(ish) Engineer-Sapper figures. Just three test figs for now: I don't plan on starting this army just yet, but it will hopefully happen in the future.

ES Test 2

ES Test 3

ES Test 1

Adding definition to camo is always something I unsure of...i.e. how much depth to add. Too much can muddle the camo detail, but I like to add at least some (as above) to show folds in clothing, etc. where there is no brown. This might need to be darkened in the above, or maybe I'll try highlighting the brown amoeba blobs to define them better. Or both. Forgot to highlight the boots as well. Leather is too bright. The "collar" should in fact be part of the body armour and not clothing, etc.

I drive myself nuts.


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