Monday 24 March 2014

King Tigers

King Tigers, painted as part of the 505. Schwere Panzer Abteilung with the famous "Charging Knight" symbol on the turret. Models by Battlefront, decals by Doms and BF, the Charging Knight by Sentinel Miniatures: I cut away the zimmerit with a blade to place the Knight badge better, as was done for the real image in real life I believe.

The models lack a certain coherency as they were done bit-by-bit over nearly three years...first clean style, then sort of made up as I went along. I was never particularly interested in them. The original inspiration was (loosely) this King Tiger on, though mine turned out quite differently and a bit too yellow for my liking.

Some individual shots.



This one came with a quite badly damaged turret rear: my repair attempts were rather lacking, so I covered the efforts with a tarp of sorts. Tried to do a zeltbahn but that was not so successful...should have got a replacement turret in hindsight.


Suffice to say I got quite a few details wrong, but every German armoured vehicle is another learning experience for me.



  1. I love the crew on these models. Very detailed!

  2. I think the yellow is a little bright but not so bright to make me not like them. They are awesome.

  3. the tarp is nice actually. Not a big fan of the damaged zimmerit on these models from BF.

  4. Beautiful colors and details, great work!

  5. I really like the look of these King Tigers. Did you do the damaged parts yourself? Nice work cleaning up the zimmerit to put the knight decal on. If you are not a fan of this yellow, from what I can gather late war dunkelgelb did change to a "tan" version. Don't touch these beauties though!


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