Friday 15 March 2013

Panthers (in splinter camo)

Battlefront Panther Ausf A, painted in the "clean" style with a hard-edged splinter-like camouflage pattern.

An HQ of two vehicles and the first platoon of three. Modeled as the 2nd Company of a Panzerbrigade force.

These will probably be some of the last examples I will be painting with the "clean" style. Time to start experimenting with an airbrush and different techniques a little more I think.



  1. Those Panthers look amazing. Never seen them in that style of camo before but it totally rocks. Also interesting to see that some of your tanks have exactly the same casting issues as mine do.

  2. please add green patches...

    1. Painted to commission client's spec, not my choice of pattern or colours.


  3. Look good!

    I can't wait to see what you do for a "dirty" style.

    And, of course, the crew look superb.

  4. As is your style a very lovely extra clean paint job!


  5. Fantastic work as always. I really like the unique look to this unit and how you've picked out some many details. Looking forward to seeing more

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