Monday 9 July 2012

Hungarian Motorised Infantry Platoon

The first completed platoon of Hungarian infantry, painted to represent a platoon from the Motorised Infantry (blue collar tabs). These were done with Mid War in mind, though usable for Late War and the defence of Hungary in 1944-45 as well. Figures by Battlefront.

Naturally, just when I thought I'm done painting "English Uniform"...I choose an Axis force in the same scheme. The light equipment carried aids a simple, clean paint job, not much to distract from the main elements

The mix of poses is OK, some more variety would have been nice but the larger-than-normal platoon size also means you tend to see the same poses more easily. These do get rather monotonous; the whole platoon seems to take ages to get done. That and my project-ADD does not help either.

Zrinyi II assault guns and Toldil II recce tanks.

A 149mm Heavy Artillery Battery



  1. très joli résultat. Même si la couleur des socles est un peu trop vive pour moi

  2. hey, I was waiting for the HG with baited breath...
    Have you considered putting to 4 figures a base? I found out that the distances between men look a lot better (in my eyes)

    Always a pleasure to the eyes. The bright colors is indeed the way to go.

  3. Thanks ludoregaurd, though the basing looks better "on-table", under light it looks brighter than it really is.

    @ Braxen: well...they are 4 figures per base mate, barring the command team. I won't do less than four per base, I just don't like medium bases with 2-3 figures unless they are weapons teams (e.g. HMG, etc.).

    HG delayed because of postal strike, but I'll add a progress report soon.


  4. dah, I meant "3 to 4 figures a base" but my "3" key is not working well, aha.

    Will look with high interest at your HG (I have a luftwaffe Jaeger platoon but I have no clue what to play them with so they remain in their pack :-/ )

  5. Man I wish I could paint infantry like you. They need to add a 6 to historical judging just for your stuff.

    I'm going to come live with you for a month just to learn how.


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