Monday, 21 May 2018

28mm Panzer II L Luchs

Now done. This is the first 28mm scale vehicle I've done, so still quite a bit to learn but it turned out decently. The Warlord model is a little simplified in places, e.g. there are no tools on the vehicles. Apart from that it is a very nice model.

Lacking decals for this scale I had to make do with what I had, using mostly larger 15mm decals. Markings for 4. Panzer Division, though the turret numbers are fictitious and I kept the rest very simple. I would have left off the Jerry cans on the turret but I was given the model by a friend and it was already assembled: the Jerry cans proved to be exceedingly well-glued, so they stayed.

Compared to a 15mm tank...

Warlord 28mm Luchs, Plastic Soldier Company 15mm Panzer III G.
...quite a difference in size. A nice change to paint something larger I must admit.



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