Wednesday 9 March 2016

Panzerspäh Lehr

A Panzerspähkompanie (or German Armoured Car Company) from Panzer Division Lehr, intended for the Ardennes offensive. Models by Forged in Battle, quite simple models but they do paint up well, and quickly.

My favourite version of the famous "Puma" 8-wheeled armoured car, the Sd Kfz 234/1 armed with a 2cm gun rather than the arguably more famous 234/2 version with the 5cm weapon. I have nine of the 5cm version still to do, and probably need a few 234/4 with the Pak40 to round out the collection.



  1. And more to come!? Wow.

    I like the mix of camos. Good stuff.

  2. Beautiful colors, which product line are they from?

    1. Cheers gents.

      They are from Forged in Battle David: code P-76, come in packs of 3 vehicles each and on bases. I replaced the 2cm barrels here (they supplied the wrong ones) and put the bases on a belt-sander to reduce the thickness a little (to about 1.5mm).


    2. Thanks for the info. :-) They are really gorgeous castings If you don't mind, what paint colors did you use for the camouflage?

    3. Sorry for the late reply, I had to dig out my notes as these were painted around a year back. The green/brown camo patrols differ only in the brown colour, though the difference is very subtle.

      The Dunkelgelb across all vehicles was MIG-902 Dunkelgelb Base, followed by MIG-903 Dunkelgelb Light Base. If I were to re-do them, I'd start with 901, followed either by 903 or MIG-011 Dunkelgelb Aus '44 DG for a dunkelgelb with less yellow.

      Dunkelgelb/Red-Brown Patrol: the brown camo was Vallejo Model Air 041 Tank Brown, followed by thinned VMC 846 Mahogony Sand.

      The Green across both Green/Brown patrols was MIG-915 Dark Green followed by MIG-004 Resedagrun B.

      The darker brown was MIG-015 Schokobraun + a bit of black, followed by plain 015.

      The other brown was MIG-015 Schokobraun followed by thinned VMC 984 Flat Brown.

      I tend to spray the first colour as a shadow, then spray the second colour as panel highlights, though the colours here lack contrast and ideally need more. I usually start with brown (mask) then green (mask), and then dunkelgelb, etc.


    4. Thanks again for sharing your insights and experiences on painting and modeling.

      You have a great blog that not only displays your impressive talents and has a good frequency of new posts, but also due to your willingness to provide product lists, techniques, and friendly interactions.


  3. Very nice mix of colors. The forged in Battle models are superb.

    Firm policy against chipping? :)

    1. Not really, it's just very subtle here...too subtle mostly. I also tend to avoid chipping too much on tri-tonal stuff, it gets too "busy" for my liking.

      Besides, I'm now in the "work on it until I'm bored, then call it done" mode.


  4. As always so so good! Any updates in the nearest future?

  5. What a sweet little ones ...


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