Thursday 13 May 2010

Airlanding Platoon finished.

Err...yeah. Finished ages ago actually, I'm just really lazy with pictures and struggled to get decent shots of these. Tried instead to do a few bases at a time.

(Click for larger images)

Won the “Best Infantry Platoon” in the Battlefront/Flames of War painting competition, so I'm not complaining...surprised, yes. Complaining, no :).



  1. Surprised? Don't be. Your painting is extremely well done. I am painting an airlanding company at the moment and there is no way I can paint at the level of detail you have. A thoroughly deserved winner in my books!

    BTW a few more frequent updates would be awesomely appreciated! ;-)

  2. As always just wonderful painting!!I'm not surprised you won either as I consider your infantry the best around.


  3. Beautiful stuff! Just watched A Bridge Too Far, fighting the urge to buy some brit airlanding/paras :P

  4. Thanks for the compliments guys.

    @ Matt: I'm hoping to update more regularly too :)

    @ Christopher, there were some really, really good entries in the comp. I considered quite a few as potential winners.

    @ Indie, I once wanted to do British Paras as well, eventually went with Commandos instead. The urge remained however, until I did these...I think I'm cured now :)

  5. I didn't hear any complaints or "I was robbed" remarks.;-)
    You won because yours were the best.
    Still,very polite and modest remark and does you credit.:-)


  6. Really nice painted platoons.
    You are surprised that you won? What do you think the reason was i didn't compete....


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