Here JB counts out his Russian hundred and hundred and hundred and hundred and four.... I'm told the gent of the far right was acting as umpire...he looks the part, anyway.

My initial set-up. The mission was Hold the Line, my German Panzergrenadiers (DAK-based, but I fielded a Tiger for a change) defending against Ruussian T-70s, T-34s and KV 1s and 2s. First Panzergrenadier Platoon is on the right objective, Tiger I and two Mk III Ls in the centre, PaK 38s in ambush, second objective to the right of the right-most Panzer III. In reserve were Infantry guns, another Panzergrenadier Platoon and three mortars...not ideal for fighting an all-tank army, but I've won before with similar odds.

My plan was to hold the left-most objective with a full-strength Panzergrenadier platoon with attached 2ic and C-in-C (both panzerknackered) with a 'knacker Command Team. As long as I could counter-attack in any assault (which i should with attached CO), I felt confident that I could deal with the initial wave (always T-70s) and hold off the KVs until reserves arrived. The Tiger would hopefully have dealt with a few KVs by then as well, while the Panzer IIIs took on T-34s and the ambush waited until they couldn't possibly miss.
A good plan, perhaps. But, alas, it was not to be; the dice gods laughed at my foolishness...and laughed...and laughed....and laughed...
Panzergrenadiers await the Red onslaught...
T-70s and KVs.
PaK 38s revealed from ambush. With 9 shots I managed to score 9 hits. JB saved 8...ONE T-34 died. Criminal, just criminal...

T-70s and KVs. The Tiger managed to kill one...yes ONE...despite having Every Shot Counts as Tiger Ace Skill.

A Panzer III falls to a KV round.
Now, this was the crux of the game. The T-70s assaulted my Panzergrenadier and killed one base. The Panzergrenadier Platoon (incl. 3 Panzerknacker teams!) the failed their motivation to counter-attack, and then failed the C-in-C's re-roll; they fell back.
The Panzergrenadier then failed their motivation, leaving the objective barely contested, plus the PaKs were all dead... the two Panzer IIIs were dead by now as well...the Tiger crew ran away...
I conceded defeat; all-in-all not a very good show from my side, but fun nonetheless, despite some positively shocking dice on both sides.. Well done JB!
Other pics. JC on the left, yours truly on the right.
I conceded defeat; all-in-all not a very good show from my side, but fun nonetheless, despite some positively shocking dice on both sides.. Well done JB!
Other pics. JC on the left, yours truly on the right.

Colin on the right, Mike on the left. Mike, as you may have noticed, looks rather enthusiastic (the burning StuG at the bottom may have something to do with it...) while Colin puts on brave face.

All for now.
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